Business & Professionals


Enrich Your Professional and Personal Life with Meaningful Connections





The Center for Jewish Philanthropy’s Business & Professionals group is designed to encourage and deepen relationships among Jewish professionals in the greater Phoenix area through meaningful connections and philanthropic engagement. 






Join us at an upcoming B&P Gathering!

Our gatherings aren’t just another networking event. These unique get-togethers are your opportunity to connect with other Jewish professionals in meaningful ways and enrich both your professional and personal perspectives.

What to expect

Connect with Good People – You’ll be joining a group of 30-40 Jewish business professionals in private setting.

Inspiring Keynotes & Conversations – Hear accomplished business leaders share their stories, and connect and engage in meaningful conversation with other attendees.

Philanthropic Impact Showcase – Witness firsthand the powerful impact of collective giving.

Engagement Opportunities – You’ll also discover various ways to further engage and align your business and philanthropic aspirations with tangible actions, enriching both your personal journey and the broader community.

Sound intriguing? Come join us!

Upcoming events

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Tax & Legal Seminars

Past Speakers & Topics

2022: Tax & Legal Seminar
Joshua S. Rubenstein presented:
  • Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: Advising the Wealthy in Times of Protracted and Unprecedented Political, Economic, Cultural and Scientific Change
  • Pressing the Do-Over Button: Strategies for Modifying Wills and Trusts After Formation
  • Using Taxes to Settle Trust and Estate Disputes

2021: Steve Akers presented: 

  • Sophisticated Transfer Planning Strategies 
  • Structuring Trustee Powers to Avoid a Tax Catastophe 
  • Estate Planning Current Developments and Hot Topics 


2020: Christopher R. Hoyt addressed:

  • Retirement Assets for First and Second Marriages: Let the Fun Begin 
  • Estate Planning for Retirement Assets After the SECURE Act 
  • How to get Income Tax Savings from Charitable Bequests 
  • So, You Wanna be a Philanthropist, including Proposed New Rules for Donor Advised Funds 


2019: Sam Donaldson provided a federal tax update: 

  • Contemporary Estate Planning Paradigms for Married Couples 
  • Unwinding Estate Plans Because of Changed Circumstances 
  • Fifty Shades of J: A Guide to the Federal Income Taxation of Trusts and Estates 


2018: Turney P. Berry discussed the 2017 Tax Act, the shift in planning from estate taxes to income taxes, the Uniform Directed Trust Act and charitable giving: 

  • Notable Developments of Interest to Estate Planners 
  • Charitable Giving for Family Business Families 
  • Uniform Directed Trust Act 


2017: Sam Donaldson provided a federal tax update: 

  • Unpacking the Tax Cuts and Jobs Acts of 2017 
  • A Hitchhiker’s Guide to International Estate Planning 


2016: Natalie Choate addressed retirement benefits: 

  • Estate Planning for Retirement Benefits: Selected Case Studies 
  • Making Retirement Benefits Payable to Trusts 
  • Charitable Giving with Retirement Benefits 
  • The 203 Best and Worst Planning Ideas for Your Client’s Retirement Benefits 


2015: Sam Donaldson provided a federal tax update: 

  • Income tax aspects of family limited partnership 
  • The remains of the Day: Planning Decisions Regarding the Use and Disposition of a Client’s Body After Death 


2014: Steve Trytten addressed estate and charitable planning for retirement assets: 

  • Intermediate and advanced tax and benefits issues relating to estate and charitable planning 
  • Case study analysis pertaining to ethics and law of estate and charitable planning under AZ state laws. 


2013: Sam Donaldson provided a federal tax update: 

  • Major recent developments in federal income, estate, and gift laws 
  • Analysis of tax planning opportunities 
  • Detailed coverage of significant estate tax legislation 
  • Important cases, rulings and new regulations made easy to understand 


2012: Christopher R. Hoyt addressed: 

  • Planning optimal outcomes for family, charitable and tax objectives 
  • Overview of 2012 and 2013 tax changes, with planning strategies for 2012 
  • Pending Bush tax cuts 
  • Summary of required IRA distributions and their impact during retirement and on beneficiaries 
  • Analysis and strategies concerning the 2012 legislative proposal to require inherited IRAs to be liquidated in five years 


2011: Sam Donaldson provided a federal tax update: 

  • Major recent developments in federal income, estate, and gift laws 
  • Analysis of tax planning opportunities 
  • Detailed coverage of significant estate tax legislation 
  • Important cases, rulings and new regulations made easy to understand 


2010: Erik Dryburgh presented “Hot Topics in Estate Planning” including: 

  • Gifts of Real Estate: Technical Considerations 
  • Gifts of Business Interests 
  • Private Foundations: What You Need to Know 
  • Creative Applications of Charitable Remainder Trusts 


2009: Sam Donaldson provided a federal tax update: 


2008: Larry Katzenstein presented “A Potpourri of Charitable Planning Tricks and Traps,” including: 

  • Planning for gifts of tangible personal property 
  • CLT planning 
  • Marital Deduction Pitfalls 
  • Drafting CRTs 


2007: Jon and Eileen Gallo addressed: 

  • Estate Planning w/ Life Insurance (ILITS, GSTT, FLPs, etc.) 
  • Psychological and Emotional Issues in Estate Planning 


2006: Christopher R. Hoyt addressed: 

  • 2006 Tax Legislation: New Charitable Giving Incentives & New Charitable Reforms 
  • Charitable Gifts and Bequests of Retirement Assets 
  • How to Structure an Inheritance of Retirement Assets 
  • Funding Trusts with Retirement Assets – A Checklist 


2005: Stanley Johanson addressed: 

  • Recent developments affecting estate planning 
  • Qualified plan benefits and IRAs in estate planning 
  • Ethical Issues raised by durable powers of attorney 


2004: Conrad Teitell addressed various topics related to charitable gift planning 


2003: Jeffrey Pennell addressed: 

  • Planning for Married Couples 
  • Section 2036 Family Limited Partnership cases 
  • Charitable Developments and Grantor Trusts and Subchapter J Developments 


2002: Natalie Choate presented on retirement planning issues 


2001: Ed Beckwith and Steve Leimberg addressed: 

  • Estate Planning w/ Life Insurance 
  • The 2001 Tax Bill 
  • Trust Drafting and Distribution Issues 
  • Panel discussion re: discussing charitable giving w/ clients 


2000: Terry Simmons and Neal Kurn addressed: 

  • Charitable Lead Trusts 
  • Stock Options

Other past national speakers prior to 2000 include: 

  • Terry Simmons 
  • Scott Blakesly 
  • Jane Peebles 
  • Reynolds Caffereta 
  • David Kempler 
  • Paul Gordon Hoffman 
See more

Structured Giving

Business & Professionals is an affinity group of the Center for Jewish Philanthropy of Greater Phoenix. Individuals who commit an annual gift of $500 or $42 per month to CJP’s Annual Campaign are recognized contributors to Business & Professionals. Gifts are 100% tax-deductible.

Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities

Our Corporate Sponsorship Program provides local businesses with an opportunity to invest in social impact through an organization that evokes recognition and trust throughout the Greater Phoenix Area.

Do you have any questions about Business & Professionals Network?

Connecting professionals with each other is something I am extremely passionate about! If you are looking for ways to grow your business, network with other professionals, and engage in meaningful programs, contact me now and find out how you can get involved.

Yosef Funke
Campaign Manager
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